Paragraph (three years from now)

Shayla Moses

Right now, I currently work in a supermarket but in six and live with my mommy and my 2year old golden retriever Snowball. Im in the 9th grade at Bedford academy My mother and I are living in our dream house and is expecting a visit from my 19year old sister in college. Soon I will be out of school for winter recess and I will be able to spend time with my sister who will be here. In 4 hours.
My sister is going to the school of her dreams which is NYU Polly it's an ivy league college. She is at the top of her class just like I was in the 7th grade know Im 2nd in my 9th grade class. I would be first but I'm caption of the debate team so I had to be second. Only because I'm always at meetings for the debate team. As soon as soon as we come go back to school I will be at the head of my class because there will be no more debate team. Then i will be in the national honors society not only will I be part of it but I will be the president. Just like my sister was when she was in 11th grade.
  Right now I am currently trying to get my learners permit for my own car so I won't have to drive with my mother any more I will be totally independent. Soon I will even have my own car and my mom will retire from being a corrections officer. This means we will be able to spend more time together. This way she will no longer have to be stressed out with paper work and being in a office for the whole day. When she retires she will still be paid from her job and that will be good for her to be paid but no longer on the job. Right now my life is pretty good and I hope it stays that way. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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