Monday, November 19, 2012


                                                      Her bloody little secret
  Melissa always hated when her birthday came around reason one: her dad always wanted to make a big deal with the presents and the celebration which she hated every since she was able to talk. Reason two: it was hunting and camping season so her "celebration" was camping every year with her dad and her baby brother. Reason three: she was always seeing something wierd in the woods which made her paranoied the entire trip but no one belived her when ever she would state what she saw. That also explanis why she had theropy twice a week every week. The worst reason of all is thea she always ran into her cursh tod lewis the captin of every sporst team who was realted to her worstenimes followers. After helping with the tent and putting rocks in a circle and hanging their food on a tree they where missing one thing from this dreadful trip which was sticks for the campfire which her dad would ask her to gather in "hey honey will you get some-" " sticks for the campfire" melissa interupted "sure". She went far in to the woods but she was triping every five seconds like something was pushing her over and over again. she became more alert and saw something knocking over trees picking up sticks and throwing them at her. After falling for the hundreth time she saw something she wish she could unsee. Cludia feeding off the neck of a dear with blood driping down her mouth. Melissa ran back to the camp put the sticks inside the circle and went inside her tent. She had terrible dreams and felt lucky that she got away when she did and hoped that cludia wouldnt come up to her at school on monday all the thoughts where flying around so much it made her brain hurt she was just so happy to be back home. She got sad when she realized that she had to go to the school the next day. When she walked in cludia was the first one she saw she tried to make a run for it but cludia some how came uo to her faster than the speed of light she said something to her but without moving her mouth like some kind of mind game she said " what did you see tell me now or you will be sorry" the thoughts made her brain hurt because melissa didnt know how to respond in crazy mind lanuage she said out load " i saw you bitting the neck of a hlep less dear" cludia responded " WRONG YOU SAW NOTHING and if you tell any one then you will get this" cludia lokked into melissa's eye and said "pain" melissa fell to her knees and yelled it felt like her bones and organes where being riped apart in a slow pain full motion a croud started to form and then everything in melissa eyes went black.

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