Friday, November 30, 2012


                                                      I Might Just Die Tomorrow 
 Melissa had been up all night blogging on the schools private blog and cludia. Her cold skin her super speed and the ability to make it feel like you limbs where slowly being torn apart. Even after she promised to keep secret and didn't break her promises. She had a good reason cludia was obvisouly lying why else would she give melissa pain. It was pretty clear she just wondered what would happen to her after she sent out her post would cludia get her or would she not care because every body hated melissa and thought she was a hollusaniting lyer who had nothing better to do. Well it didn't matter to her she was sending out her post no matter what the consocuinces where. Then in the next instant her post was sent out thewre for the whole world to see and she didn't care what would happen tomorrow. It was a life or death situation and melissa was ready to face death in the face. The next day melissa walked in school and was approched by jessica and her followers jessica had a paper in her hand closed her eyes and then said "OMG i loved how you total made melissa seem like total freak on the schools blog what made you wanna do that?" "yea why did you do that" her followers said maltitanesily."Well i just thought she was wierd so i decided to make fun of her in front of the whole school and because everyone reads the school what better place to put that information". Wow melissa wasn't exepting to get this much attention just because she put stuff about melissa on the schools blog. Man if she new she was going to get this much attention for writing stuff about people  she would have done it years ago. As she was basking in all her popularity she herd the front door slam and loud foot steps "hey melissa" uh-oh it was cludia ahe wasn't expecting to see here here this earily. She was going to stand uo to her she was no longer going to be pushed around any more. "What do you want cludia" meilssa said with a voice like thunder "ok" she thought "so far so good". Cludia had a look of anger on her face she was turning red and melissa was no longer feeling like the big women on campous any moer she just wanted to yell for her mother. Befor she could do anything she was grabed and pulled outside then she was standing in front of the school facing melissa. "I thought you where going to keep my secret" "well that was befor you lied and gave me pain on my insides when we where in the woods remeber" "I remeber fine that still doesn't give you the right yo brod cast my secret to the whole school " "oh well I did it already and everyone thinks your a freak" "well then you can keep writing stuff about me on your little blog but just know this i will kill you if it is the last thing i do so just keep on i will get you but will never see it coming so watch yourr back". Then in the next second cludia was gone and melissa was starting to cry wondering "I Might Die Tomorrow" so she just laied on the ground her hair in her face and her hands over her.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

why did the banana go to the hospital?
because it wasnt pelling well.

where do fish get there money from?
they get it from the river bank

wy was six afrid of seven?
because seven eight nine


Its better to live and to die then to have never lived at all
Melissa woke up in her theropiest office she was surprised that she was actully alive the only thing on her mind was is cludia still out there and is she out to get her still. Or will she just give her more pain until her limbs and bones rip apart for real. She was confused and she couldnt tell any one about it. One she had no friends to tell and if she told her dad he would just give her more theropist lessones. Melissa was wondering what she was going to do and where in the hell she was. In a dark room with red currtins and she was laying on a red silk cover and a soft bed. The only down side of the scary and dark room was that her throat felt dry and her guts felt as if they where spilling out of her body. Then cludia towered over her with evil red eyes that gave her shiver down her back and blood dripping from her mouth she was breathing heavy and then melissa had nothing else to do but run away but she was followed cludia was surprisingly cludia was so fast that she made melissa fall over. She couldnt do anything but scream and when she did she hit the floor turns out she was dreaming and her guts felt like they where going fall out of her because the pain was still happening and it made her holusanite. There was a crowd around her and her mind was telling her to run but her body was in to much pain to move. Then she decided that she was going to get up weather her body liked it or not. Melissa ran for the woods instead of home as soon as she entered she say cludia just standing there looking as evil as ever. Cludia yelled " i didnt want to hurt you i just thought" she stoped with tears flowing down her face. " thought what" melissa yelled back " though that you wouldnt keep my secret and that i would have to move and be the creepy new kid with red eyes again for the hundreth time" that is how she mellisa gray found out that cludia angles was a animal and human blood drinking vampire who wanted to keep that a secret. " well now that i know your secret can we be friends?" " i dont really have friends but ok i guess but if you tell anyone i will kill you" " well hey its better to live and to die then to have never lived at all right" " yea i guess it is" cludia mumbled something under her breath but melissa could tell what it was when she fell to her knees and was lifted into the air and had a black out. The word cludia mumbled was " PAIN". Then she thought that there friendship that lasted for two seconds was out the window and so was there deal cludia angles being a vampire was something melissa would blog about all night. Even if it ment it was the end of her life. HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED SORRY IT WAS LATE CHAPTER THREE WILL BE UP TOMMORROW HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Twilight New Moon                                 
She does alot from a young age and she makes a good vampire in breaking dawn part 2. She also inspired my story the girl with a hood and a secret

watch this it is so touching

                                                      Her bloody little secret
  Melissa always hated when her birthday came around reason one: her dad always wanted to make a big deal with the presents and the celebration which she hated every since she was able to talk. Reason two: it was hunting and camping season so her "celebration" was camping every year with her dad and her baby brother. Reason three: she was always seeing something wierd in the woods which made her paranoied the entire trip but no one belived her when ever she would state what she saw. That also explanis why she had theropy twice a week every week. The worst reason of all is thea she always ran into her cursh tod lewis the captin of every sporst team who was realted to her worstenimes followers. After helping with the tent and putting rocks in a circle and hanging their food on a tree they where missing one thing from this dreadful trip which was sticks for the campfire which her dad would ask her to gather in "hey honey will you get some-" " sticks for the campfire" melissa interupted "sure". She went far in to the woods but she was triping every five seconds like something was pushing her over and over again. she became more alert and saw something knocking over trees picking up sticks and throwing them at her. After falling for the hundreth time she saw something she wish she could unsee. Cludia feeding off the neck of a dear with blood driping down her mouth. Melissa ran back to the camp put the sticks inside the circle and went inside her tent. She had terrible dreams and felt lucky that she got away when she did and hoped that cludia wouldnt come up to her at school on monday all the thoughts where flying around so much it made her brain hurt she was just so happy to be back home. She got sad when she realized that she had to go to the school the next day. When she walked in cludia was the first one she saw she tried to make a run for it but cludia some how came uo to her faster than the speed of light she said something to her but without moving her mouth like some kind of mind game she said " what did you see tell me now or you will be sorry" the thoughts made her brain hurt because melissa didnt know how to respond in crazy mind lanuage she said out load " i saw you bitting the neck of a hlep less dear" cludia responded " WRONG YOU SAW NOTHING and if you tell any one then you will get this" cludia lokked into melissa's eye and said "pain" melissa fell to her knees and yelled it felt like her bones and organes where being riped apart in a slow pain full motion a croud started to form and then everything in melissa eyes went black.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

i am starting a short story with alot of chapters

claudia angles
melissa gray
jessica cater
amy and kim lewis
tod lewis                                         the girl she never spoke to

                   It was a rainy morning and melissa gray had just enterd the lions den also known as the bathroom that was ruled by the most popular girl jessica cater and her followers amy and kim lewis  she tried to move quckly but she wasnt fast enough. "Hey where do you think your going nerd girl" jessica said with a snap. Her flowers laughewd an d held her aginst the walll. "Get off i just have to use the bathroom let me go and give me my bag back" " i dont think i will lets see if you have my history assinment" this was something that happened everyday i dont know why she axpected things to be different. Oh yeah it was her birthday her stupid birthday that her parents always wanted to make a big deal of  every sinle year. " its not your assinment and its your fault that im faling history why do you always have to take my homework" jessica laughed well lets ee if i fail my daddy will take away my car ans that cant happen becausre then ill be a loser like you. AS she took out her history homework and dumped everything out of her bag she was about to give melissa a punch to the stomphic claudia walked in and jessica looked at her with fear in her eyes. In some way it looked like claudia compled her amy and kim to let melissa go give her back her homework and put everything in her bookbag and run out the bathroom. melissa was always scared of claudia they where lab partners thatr nver spoke in class or in the halls. melissa didnt know what she was scared of more her piercing red eyes or the fact that she had two little bites on her neck and her wrist but she didnt care any more all she could say was " thanks". then claudia hurried out the bathroom and the bell rung for history class.
 teens and ther drama that gossip girl is always ready to blog about
 arrow is a show about a rich boy that was stranded with a hunter that doesnt speak any english and then found found his way home then finds a book with a list of names that his father who commeted suiside and to take these he has to become someone or something else oliver king needs to be come ARROW
the vampire daries season 4 is great and spoiler alert alena is a hollusanating vampire with a secret
 she got so big and she is just so cute
 look at this power couple

Saturday, November 17, 2012

 degrassi is a show about teena and there problems this is my all time favorite show in my intire world and if it ends i would just die
the show victorious is about teens that go to a preforming arts high school

Friday, November 16, 2012

shake it up cast shake it up is a show on disney about dancers on a tv show called shake it uo chigo
 this is the new season of good luck charlie and it is on disney channel and they have another baby is there gonna be a new baby every new season?
 this is a show called life with boys and it is funny and i love it
 elle winter is a pop singer on the rise and is up aginst the baily sisters in this years nbt she has a great voice but i dont think she will win aginst chole and halle we will see on the results of this years NBT im so excited
 these are the baily sisters they have viedos on youtube they where in let it shine and know thare on nbt and they are upaginst elle winter i want them to win they have such great voices
 aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i told you i would scream
 if i see one more african american woman with blonde hair i am gonna scream
 wow is all i have to say
  cira looks ok with blond hair
 new look could mean a new life
 im sure everybody knew they would get together drake said it him self
 wow ariana looks like you need some desigons to make
 wow he gets over a break up quick but poor sleana probley in a bed full of tissues and ben and jerry icecream
 they almost look as cute as taylor and sleana or taylor and taylor
 they say there llove was a rumor but yuo dont sit on just any ones lap,well not like that anyway
 well talk about a zac destraction they should have a name mixture i was thinking vanstuin
channing tatum and his new wife jenna tatum. they where in the first step up together which was the best one
 i am doing the cutest couples and on top is lady gaga and boyfriend taylor kenny

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012